Tag Archives: boat

Heat Wave in MI?!

23 Mar

I’ve been living in Michigan for 21 years, 9 months. In those (almost) 22 years I’ve never ever experienced a warmer March. 80 degrees on St. Patrick’s Day?! I’m in love. And for all you haters out there that say it’s going to snow again before “summer” hits, check your pessimism at the dock.  I’m going to enjoy this anti-productive weather out on the water 🙂 Nothing makes me happier than burning/tanning on the back of a boat (that’s a lie… passing a test makes me happier, which may be proved to be more difficult if I’m spending my few spare hours outside).

Any who… Andrew and my family were the first ones, that I saw, out on the water on St. P’s day.


And the first one to wakesurf… (with Jim (below))



And to spend with my best friend(s) at the Bennigan’s beer tent 🙂


This awesome weather has allowed me to stain my next project, my scarf rack, which I’ll hopefully be posting by the end of the week…


Happy Friday!! 🙂