Tag Archives: reading

Summer reading list

17 May


That was a crazy month. In the past 30 days I’ve graduated from CMU, stopped working at Dow Corning, started working at AVI-SPL, on-site at Dow being a Social Media Community Manager. I (we) also adopted a puppy, Zach. Which I apologize for the constant Instagram pictures, tweets and posts about him. But I’m in love with that little guy.

Any who, now that I’m done with school I realized that I actually get to do fun things with my nights and weekends like run, craft and read (for fun).

So I decided to start a summer reading list. The reason I’m only doing summer is because I want to read on the boat or anywhere, before football season starts. Between home and away games for my little brother and the addition to my parents basement (a sweet bar, more to come on that later), I know I’ll have less time then.

So this is what I’ve come up with so far, but I’d love suggestions. I’m not really good at picking out books and hate reading the ones that are “popular” now or ones that were made into movies. I recently joined GoodReads, which is a pretty cool book website. It keeps track of the books you’ve read and then suggests books you should read.

Anyways, with that being said…

  1. The Lucky One (just finished) – Nicholas Sparks
  2. Fifty Shades of Grey (starting tonight)
  3. The last boyfriend – Nora Roberts
  4. Extremely Loud & Incredibly close
  5. All Nicholas Sparks books (yes, I’ll be crazy emotional but it will happen)
  6. Hunger Games Series

and that’s all I have. I’d love some suggestions!

Next blog posts will be: Kindle Cover, DIY Apron, and the entry remodel 🙂

Happy Thursday!